Phishing Simulation

Protect your organisation with our phishing simulation services

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What Is Phishing Simulation?

Phishing simulation is a type of security training exercise designed to test and improve an organization’s resilience to phishing attacks. Phishing is a type of cyberattack where attackers send fraudulent emails, text messages, or other communication methods to trick individuals into providing sensitive information or downloading malware onto their devices.

Phishing simulations involve creating fake phishing emails that mimic real-world phishing attacks and sending them to employees within an organization. The emails are designed to look and feel like real phishing emails and often contain a link or attachment that, if clicked or opened, would compromise the security of the organization’s network or data.

By simulating phishing attacks, organizations can assess how well their employees can identify and respond to phishing attempts. The goal is to identify weaknesses and areas for improvement in an organization’s security posture and provide targeted training to employees to help them become more aware and resilient to real-world phishing attacks. This can help prevent data breaches and other security incidents caused by human error.


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